Sunday, February 10, 2013

Piper's Birth Story

We welcomed Piper Virginia into our lives November 13th at 5:44pm. She weighed 8 pounds and 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. Her birth was supposed to be planned and predictable but turned out to be an exciting and very special time.

We had Piper's C-section planned for Thursday, November 14th at 8:30am.  I had a planned C-section because of many issues during Ela's birth. (Is Birth Just an Entry Into the World? ) Even though I wasnt looking forward to another C-Section I was excited about everything being planned. My friends even made me pack my hospital bag two weeks early because I was so convinced it would all go as planned. But babies have a mind of their own, even when it comes to making their grand entrance. 

On November 11th Jered and I went to our small group meeting.  During small group I started having what I thought was pressure pain but kept getting worse and no matter which way I sat or stood. As soon as the meeting was over I jumped up and told Jered we needed to go. I thought walking around would help. I had had bad pressure pains the whole last few months and thought this was the same thing. We hadnt eaten dinner and grabbed some sushi before heading home. During the whole dinner I kept gasping because the pains were so bad. I started thinking they were braxton hicks and kept waiting for them to end. 

By 4am Monday morning I had looked up false labor on my iPad and realized that was it. By this point the contractions were every seven minutes and I hadnt gotten any sleep. I took two baths and did my breathing. The back labor was the most painful. I tried sitting on my ball, more baths, heat and walking. Nothing helped but the baths. By Tuesday I was in tears and exhausted. I called my doctor at 9am and talked to the nurse. I asked if I could come in and see if I was dilating at all. My doctor said I would have to check into the hospital. Not what I wanted to hear. The contractions were still staying at 7 minutes and I felt they would just send me home at this point. Thank goodness my mom and two sisters had come to stay with us a week early to help me out. 

Finally around 1pm on Tuesday I called Jered and told him we needed to go to the hospital. My contractions were every five minutes. This sounds so silly, but I was really wanting to have Piper Thursday because our office was booked solid Tuesday and Wednesday.  But Piper had other plans.  all the patients were rescheduled for next week and Dr. Hull headed home. By the time Jered got home around 2pm I was still  every five minutes but the more I walked around the closer together they started coming. We have a good 45 minute drive without traffic. I started getting nervous and picturing giving birth on the side of I-75. My mom helped me calm down and keep breathing through the pain and nerves. We finished packing and my emotions got the better of me and I started sobbing. 

My sweet Ela had been so wonderful through all the changes. I hadnt been able to pick her up for the past month. And the past few days every time I had a contraction I had to focus and even trying to talk to her was so hard. She knew mommy was hurting and was so sweet. I even tried to put her to bed so we had time together. The emotions of adding to our family and leaving Ela for four days just hit me all at once and I just couldnt stop crying. I just held Ela and sobbed for a good five minutes while she hugged me and said "it's okay mommy, it's okay." which made me cry even harder. 

We said our goodbyes and told Ela we were going to go get her new sister. Once we got in the car I started having contractions every three or two minutes. They were getting really intense as well. I gave Jered the green light to get us there fast. I called my OB to let her know we were on our way. I was so excited to "press one if your in labor", I had always wanted to do that. We arrived at 3:00pm and went to check in. We were given a room in the surgery prep area of Northside Hospital and I was given my beautiful gown. I asked the nurse if I wasnt progressing would they still do the surgery today? I was told yes and felt so excited all of a sudden. We were having a baby today! I was a whole five centimeters when they checked. Thats three more then I ever got with Ela. I started having even more intense contractions and a lot of pressure and pain. It felt like when Ela got stuck and couldnt progress. I cant say for sure what would have happened had we continued in the natural labor. My OB doesnt do VBACs and we had decided to continue on our birth plan even if I went into labor. 

I had to have two IV bags pumped through before they could do the epidural. During that time we called Ela on the ipad using Facetime. It was so good to see and talk to her. Finally we were all prepped and ready to go in for the surgery. I had to get three doses of meds through the epidural because I wouldnt numb all the way through. I was good and numb by the time we were ready to go.  Before we went into the OR Jered and I held hands and prayed. I had been feeling so nervous and started to feel a peace come over me followed by excitement  We were about to meet our baby girl! I got wheeled into the operating room and the surgery started. 

Hearing Piper's cry was the most beautiful sound in the world. Jered got to watch her get pulled out and  told me right away she was a girl for sure (people kept telling me I was carrying a boy!) and she had a head full of black hair. I got to hold her after a few minutes. We couldnt believe how tiny she was. Holding her was like being able to breath again after all we had been through and all the months of waiting. They took Piper to the transition nursery while they were still finishing up the surgery. 

Once we got into our room we had to wait a few hours before we got Piper. It was SO hard waiting to hold my sweet little girl. I had only seen and touched her for a few minutes before she left.

The first night was so special. We didnt get back Piper back into the room in time for my mom, sisters and Ela to meet her that night. It was just Jered, Piper and I until the next afternoon. That night I felt great and was able to really bond with Piper. The meds stay with you until early into the morning and then it's hard but totally worth it. I was bond and determined to make this a fast recovery and wanted to be up and walking as soon as possible. I had forgotten how truly painful those first movements are. But you gotta do it to start the healing process. 

Ela got to meet her new sister the afternoon of the 14th. Her whole face lit up and she was so excited. She couldnt wait to hold her and kiss her. She was also so happy to her mommy and daddy. 
We had bought her medical bag and doctor toy set for her big sister present. She loved playing with it and checking everyone's hearts.  I have never been so happy as having my little family all together. We stayed in the hospital for four days and Ela visited everyday. We loved watching our families meet Piper for the first time. It was a very special time with so many wonderful memories. 

Have two littles girls is so special. I adore being them both and love watching our family grow and change. Bringing Piper into this world was exciting and surprising. During the pregnancy I was worried I would always love Ela more. How could I love anyone else like I love her? I was amazed at how quickly Piper filled my heart in the exact same way. I now have two little girls I love with all my heart. 

Here are some pictures from the hospital and some that my sister, Cate, took of Piper for her newborn pictures. 

Is Birth Just an Entry Into the World?

1 comment:

  1. So sweet to read. I love the newborn pics esp the one on the leopard so cute!
