Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fight or Food?

Tonight is one of those nights. I work hard on a delish dinner which I plan around what Ela likes. And she wants nothing to do with it. As I sat there, wanting a relaxing dinner with a bottle of red and a wonderful husband. But this was turning into a huge fight. One I would probably loose. That's when I decided tonight I am not even going to start the fight. There is no winner and no looser. Just a happy family meal. Ela normally is a very good eater, and I know she is cutting her eye teeth and has been feeling so crappy. These seem as bad as the molers. Poor baby.

Eating some sweet p and apple yogurt for dinner.

I will continue to offer her all the foods she turns down and not give up. I know my little guac, humus and blackbean lover will come around. Two little teeth can cause a lot of havoc on a little one. We will both be so happy when they come through.

Mommy's little helper....

I have been making a big effort to just spend time with Ela simply playing. Last night we made a fort, today we had a tea party with the Minnie Mouse twins and Bitty Baby.
 It is funny because it always seems like there is something I can be doing besides spending time with Ela. This needs dusting or it's time to cook dinner. I love Ela's age right now because now I can include in all that "other stuff".
 She helps me empty the dishwasher


It's so fun to watch her learn where everything goes and how it works. She now knows that dirty dishes (and sometimes in her mind clean dishes!) go in the dishwasher.

Here are some measuring cups she was playing with while I was washing dishes. I turned around and she had "loaded" the dishwasher. She was so proud and took my hand and pointed and said mom!!!


She is such a smart little girl! She helps me empty the groceries by handing me everything one at a time. We do laundry together and I had her the wet piece and she throws it in the dryer.

Doing chores with my little helper does like ten times as long. But that's okay. She is learning and I am having a blast!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ela is Gluten Free: A gluten free lifestyle

Check out my new blog about our journey to be gluten free and organic.

Ela is Gluten Free: A gluten free lifestyle: I have not always been gluten free (GF). After the birth of my daughter I was tired of feeling bad. My mom had been GF for a while and sugge...